Caroline & Will’s Story:
Flashback to January 10, 2022, when Will and Caroline started their accounting internships at Deloitte. The first week consisted of training sessions via Zoom. Will and Caroline were in the same group. On day one they both spotted each other’s little Zoom square on the screen. Caroline told her mom she thought Will was cute and Will told his friends there was a cute girl in his training group.
After this, they just so happened to be put in a breakout room alone, where they were supposed to be working on an accounting question. When they went back to the main group and revealed their answer, they had gotten it wrong (clearly little accounting was going on in their breakout room).
After training, Caroline knew there was something special about Will so she decided to direct message him on the Deloitte messaging software. This was the start of their daily messaging. Will and Caroline messaged almost every day of the three-month internship. On the last day of the internship, interns are required to turn in their Deloitte computers, which meant they needed to find an alternative means of communication, so Will gave Caroline his phone number.
A few weeks later they met in person for the first time and had a 7-hour date consisting of Local Foods, the Houston Zoo, and Jenis Ice Cream.
From then on Will and Caroline have been inseparable! Will and Caroline have so many wonderful memories together from Baylor football games, 30A, combine rides, College Station weekends, and more! Will got down on one knee on March 4, 2023, and they are so excited to see what the Lord does through their marriage!!
For family and friends who may not know Will or Caroline:
Will studied Accounting and ran track at Baylor University. After graduation, Will decided to move back home and join the family rice farm. He works full-time as a rice farmer in East Bernard, which is an hour outside of Houston.
Caroline received her Bachelors and Masters in Accounting at Texas A&M University! Caroline works full time as an Accounting and Client Engagement Manager at Walter’s Balido & Crain Lawfirm. Once married, Caroline is moving to East Bernard!
Rice Farming FAQ:
Rice farming in Texas?
Yes! Rice is farmed right here in Texas.
Does rice grow in water?
Yes! Rice is submerged in water for the majority of the growing period. The water comes from the Colorado River or water wells.
When is rice harvest?
Rice harvest is usually from the end of July through the middle of August.
How long have the Andersons farmed?
Will is a 5th generation rice farmer.
What are the planes for?
The planes are agricultural planes used for spraying and fertilizing.